Wired Plus API Documentation

API v1 Guide




Dynamic Rows



Transactional Emails

Lead Score




Custom Fields

POST CreateContact

Creates a contact.

Input and output parameters

*denotes required field.

Input Parameter Name Description
first_namefirst name of contact
last_namelast name of contact
namefull name
genderGender of contact which can be (Male,Female)
companyCompany name
job_titleContact job title
addressCompany or Home address of contact max 255 characters
address_2An overflow address field if 255 character space for address is not enough
countyCounty or State of Address
post_codePost code / Zip Code
countryPlease use full country names such as United Kingdom
country_codeISO3 Alpha3 country code, will invoke validation errors
wwwContact website address
email*valid email address, this is a required field
telephoneContact telephone number, you can add area code too
mobileContact mobile phone number
tagsTagging will allow quick searchability for contact record, enter tags by separating with a comma
opt_inWe advise that only opt in data is uploaded through the API. The available values for opt_in are:
  • 0 (Not Opted In) where a contact has not given direct consent for email marketing
  • 1 (Single Optin) where a contact has taken a single action to show their consent, for example submitting a form.
  • 2 (Double Optin) where a contact has been verified externally to show their consent.
  • 3 (Double Optin Verified) where a contact should be verified by Wired.
contact_list_idYou have the option to use the CreateList which on successful insert will provide an id to use for contacts, or from within the system Subscribers / Lists you will be able to select the ID of a list by hovering over it's name on the list page and providing it when submitting contact records, so contacts will be automatically associated to the list.
custom[NAMEOFCUSTOMTEXTFIELD] The custom field option will allow you to assign custom fields data for the contact.

These custom fields MUST exist before data can be assigned to contacts.

The way to submit custom field information is as follows:

Output params
  • id (of the contact created)








Result Format JSON